Frequently asked questions
Choosing a law firm to represent you and your case is one of the most important decisions you can make. We understand that your case is important to you and choosing the right firm and attorneys to represent you could make the difference for your case. Musangala Advocates & Solicitors Law Firm is a Corporate & Commercial law firm with dedicated trial attorneys with over 30 years of combined experience. We are able to dedicate the appropriate resources and time to manage your case.
At Musangala Advocates & Solicitors Law Firm we handle claims at all levels of litigation. Our areas of practice include Business Law, Employment and Labor Law, Intellectual Property/Technology Transactions, and Litigation.
Please see WHAT WE DO.
Musangala Advocates & Solicitors Law Firm was founded by Mr. Simon Peter Musangala in 2o15 and since it’s inception it has maintained an unwavering commitment to trying cases and/or brokering favorable settlement agreements for our clients whenever possible.
It is preferable for you to come to our office so that you can become acquainted with the staff who will be working diligently on your case. However, when it is not possible for you to come to our office, we can schedule a date and time to meet with you at a location that is more convenient for you. In addition, we can facilitate business electronically to save you time and money.
Our business hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. However, please feel free to call or email us after hours. We are committed to returning our client’s and potential client’s calls and emails within 24 hours or less.
We want to ensure that our clients are well informed on their legal rights. Therefore, we charge a consultation fee to our clients and potential clients.
We are committed to providing you with the most cost effective legal representation. We can arrange hourly, contingency, and flat fee agreements.
Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.
Please call us at +256 (0) 414-663-552 or+256 (0) 776-692-043 and speak with a member of our staff who will schedule you a consultation, at a time that is most convenient for you, with one of the firm’s attorneys. During your consultation the attorney will determine how our firm can best represent you and your case.
You can expect to have experienced trial attorneys at your disposal. Attorneys whom both prior clients and other lawyers are willing to refer due to their knowledge of our unique legal strengths, our ability to effectively advocate difficult and complex cases, and our desire to work cooperatively and ethically to attain favorable results for our clients.

“…Freedom of religion; freedom of the press, and freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus, and trial by juries impartially selected. These principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation. The wisdom of our sages and the blood of our heros have been devoted to their attainment. They should be the creed of our political faith.”
– Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address (1801)

“For 500 years the West patented six killer applications that set it apart. The first to download them was Japan. Over the last century, one Asian country after another has downloaded these killer apps- competition, modern science, the rule of law and private property rights, modern medicine, the consumer society and the work ethic. Those six things are the secret sauce of Western civilization.”
– Harvard historian Niall Ferguson, Civilization: The West and the Rest